Raid in France Adventure Race, Mt. Blanc


When I got the question if I wanted to come and work at Raid in France in June 2021 I thought ‘oh no, that’s the same time as Swedish midsummer celebrations’, since it’s very important to be home for that when you’re from Dalarna. But then they told me that the race course would be in the area of Mt. Blanc and that made it really hard to say no.

I followed the teams on the longest trek where they would cross a glacier at 2800 mh. I walked with them to the edge of the glacier with all my gear, then I had to turn around and go around to meet up with them at the other side instead. I saw this picture when I was just beneath them, can you spot the team?

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This picture is part of my expedition at hotel Downtown camper in Stockholm welcome to the rooftop bar and have a look at the pictures

Delivers with black frame and premium glas.