Kong vinter

Montane Kong Vinter is an adventure race on Denmark that gives the participants some unique experiences of the Danish nature. Montane Kong Winter is a team race where orienteering, running, mountain biking, climbing and kayaking are the main ingredients. The participants, as a team, must be able to work together under mental and physical pressure from the route and the nature.

Kong Vinter Official site

Kong vinter race film

To film a 24 hour race in January in Denmark is challenging with just 3 hours of daylight, but I was super satisfied with my Sony FX3 that perform super well in low light conditions. My mission here was to capture the race and how it is to do a race in the middle of the winter.


I have worked with Otto on several occasions and each time with great joy. He is very passionate, enthusiastic and has a great eye for story telling. Most of all he is a friendly person that is easy to work with. He gets the job done in a fantastic way.

- Lars Bukkehave Adventure Race organiser

